It's All About You
Word on the Street
Brain Storm
August 1999
September 1999
October 1999
November 1999
Dec/Jan 1999-2000

Volume 1 Issue 2
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      A Savior longing to save you (John 3:16), A Lover longing to be intimate with you (James 4:8), A Revivalist longing to revive you (Psalms 85:6), An Evangelist longing to teach you (1John 2:27 ), A Healer longing to heal you (Isaiah 53:5), A Giver longing to give you the nations (Psalms 2:8), A Creator longing to create you in his image (II Corinthians 3:18), A consuming fire longing to consume you (Hebrews 12:29). I know what you’re thinking “NO, NOT ME”.

     Many times we let our human nature dictate to us that it’s someone else that God wants to use, at some other place, on another day, and God only knows how. I’m here to tell you that it starts with YOU. You have to become a Dead Man Walking! You have to lay down your thoughts and your ways and say “God let your will be done”.

     Jesus Christ was the greatest example of a walking dead man. In Luke 22:42 Jesus, just before he gave his life on the cross for you and me said “Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done.” Do you think for one moment Jesus was jumping up and down and doing cartwheels saying I can’t wait to die its going to be so much fun? No!! Luke 22:44 records “And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” On that cold, dark, lonely night his flesh wrestled with his spirit, for he knew that the end was coming and that he would be tortured beyond all human comprehension, that his visage would be marred more than that of any other man (Isaiah 52:14).

     However, Jesus knew what it was to be a dead man walking. To give himself so fully to the will of God that death itself could not stop him from doing His father’s will. I would like to propose that it didn’t start at the cross or even at the garden the night before, it started 33 yrs. earlier with a life style of flesh dying choices. One choice after another, line upon line precept upon precept (Isaiah 28:10 ).

     We as Christians say “God, I long to see you face to face as Moses did (Exodus 33:11). Please use me; I want your fire to consume me”; the list goes on and on… Yet there is nothing to use or consume because your life is so full of you there is no place for God. Its time for revival, but I’m not talking about a revival where it’s nothing more that the recycling of Christians on an emotional roller coaster ride. I’m talking about a revival that causes sinners to come crawling to the alter of repentance because the glory of God is so thick they can’t even stand up. However we will never see true revival until we catch the vision like John the Baptist did when he said, “let me decrease so that he (Jesus) can increase (John 3:30). John was the forerunner of the greatest revivalist known to man Jesus Christ. I’m convinced that the greatest revolution among our generation will come when we lay down our agendas and preconceived ideas, crucify our flesh (Galatians 2:20), submit our will to the father, and learn to become dead men walking. We need to get out of the way for the great revivalist himself, Jesus Christ, so that he can lay his mantle of glory on South East Texas…If not you, then who? If not South East Texas, then where? If not now, then when? If not God, then how?


Dead Man Walking

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