marriage counseling and mediation.
You all must come to understanding of the underlying resentments in order to repair and mend them. when a man uses a child to get at the wife (wont get medication for son who itches uncontrollably) then he has some major issues that must be dealt with. when the wife is ready to walk out - and physical abuse is not the reasoning, then she too has some major issues to work through. It is always two sided to some degree. the man may be the reason behind the wifes motivation but the wife must realize her man - somewhere- has needs that arent getting met. Just as you, are not having needs met.

quote from above : he never once said "it will be ok or i love you, and i am here".
end quote

I point out that women NEED LOVE and need t expressed.

Men on the other hand want respect and need it shown.

WHen one doesnt get respect he refuses to love - and when one doesnt get love she refuses to respect and round and round we go.
no one wins.
you guys need help. in your relationship, there are things you dont even know you dont know...
I say all this because my wife and I have been there, only one signature away from divorce at our 7 yr mark. We are on year 21 and everything has been restored and made even better since about year took to work through our difficulties, but it can be mended and restored WITH GOD IN THE MIDDLE OF IT.

Be encouraged, find strength, place your hope in God, realize you cant fix it on your own and get some help...praying here in Tn for you.

Psalm 91